Monday, July 7, 2008

Patrick Henry

This summer I have undertaken writing my senior thesis. It revolves around two things...The U.S. Constitution and Patrick Henry. The more I study how our system of government came to be, the more frustrated I get with history today. As I have studied and read through documents and books on the creation of the U.S. Constitution, I realize that Americans for the most part, myself included, have been either lied to or had the wool pulled over their eyes. The Constitution isn't some glorious document that everyone praised upon its completion. Instead it was argued against most vehemently by many leading men in the 13 states. The history of America needs to be protected. People need to know where they came from but not just that they need to know and learn from how their government got started and what the issues were regarding the establishment of this nation.

Personally, I have come to a new theory that the Constitution itself was one of the leading factors that led to our Civil War. The arguments brought up during the ratifying conventions are very similar to the arguments that precede the Civil War. It seems that history has been "altered" if you will. Why don't we know where we came from? Why do we just plunge blindly forward thinking we have everything right in this country? There are liberties we have lost and for what? What have we gained with the loss of our liberty?

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